
Fall displayed signals of its immanent arrival early this year so with cheerless grey clouds that were accompanied by a persistent mist that hung in the air as my companion I biked to the lake even though every part of my being screamed at me “stay in bed!”

               The lake was calm and reflected the dark gloominess of the sky on its surface and some of the leaves on the trees had started turning color.

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               I walked along the beach and tossed my trout fisherman’s thermometer out into the water and waited for it to tell me that the water was a temperate 62 degrees. I had no intention of going in the water until I noticed a birch tree in color and some of its leaves drifting aimlessly onto the water and I thought “that could make a great photo!”   So off with the shoes and my sweat shirt and t-shirt and with steely resignation into the water I went.

               With parts of my brain deliberating between – this is going to be great – and – what the hell? – I slipped below the surface popped my head back out for a few quick body shocked breathes and then drifted my way over towards the leaves.

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               The lake was calm, the falling leaves were calm and I was calm the only hindrance being the coldness in my hands was making it hard to work the buttons on the camera as I worked my way through and around the leaves photo’ing.

               Maple leaves also slowly drifted out over the lake seeming gravity averse before landing on the water’s surface where they danced with water striders who relaxed on these leaf boats – can you find the resting water striders on the leaves?

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